When we think of porn, usually, tube sites filled with hardcore videos focussed around male pleasure spring to mind. However, we’re here to spread the word that this is not the only kind of porn available to you and when used properly, it can unlock a new world of pleasure and fantasy.
Avoid the hardcore (if that’s not what you are into)
You may have always thought that porn isn't for you but there is a world of ethical porn which explores sexuality in a different, more realistic way that doesn't have to feel at all intimidating.
Ethical porn generally is centred around all party's pleasure, is less focused on penetrative p and v sex and favours foreplay. The ethical porn site Frolic Me is a great site to begin exploring. Created by a woman (Anna Richards), with female pleasure in mind, Frolic Me understands the language of desire and how a genuine hot movie can arouse powerful emotions in the viewer.
All content from Frolic Me is produced and published in-house to ensure the quality and ethical standards of care, so there’s no need to let any worries or thoughts about human rights and fair treatment of actors and crew creep into your head while you enjoy the films.
Try different media
Porn isn’t just about watching two (or more) people have sex. It can be listening to an erotic story (we recommend Oh Cleo for intimate story telling) that you’re genuinely interested in following, or it can be taking time out of your day to sit down and read an erotic story.
These stories don’t have to be fictional if you’re not into make-believe, you can listen to real-life encounters and read about them too. Erotic fiction, however, allows you to get carried away with your imagination and let your mind set the scene, which can be even more exciting than watching something purpose-made.
Have porn on in the background.
Having an erotic film on in the background whilst you and your partner have sex and use toys can be a great way to build sexual tension.
Give your own a go.
Take some sexy photos or a video of yourself masturbating for yourself or to share with your partner (only do this if you trust and know your partner very well) to delve into content creation and see yourself in a new light.
To learn more about ethical porn, check out this blog post.